Thursday, April 23, 2020

COVID-19 Lockdown: Day 29

Isaac SmithBit of a change of pace today. James Wylie posted a link to his podcast on Iranian music, and while my plan was to listen to that, I ended up listening to the other music he had posted. I know some of this was from his time at New England Conservatory, which must be going back about 10 years or so, but I’m sure some of it I hadn’t heard before. Outside of Benjamin Schaefer’s Quiet Fire, my collection lacks music from James. I need to work on this!

Usually I don the headphones for computer listening in the morning and then move over onto the stereo, but I finally moved by computer speakers into my workspace as the headphones had been bugging me for a while. But I forgot, it’s wired for the U.S so that put the brakes on the plan. That means James’ Iranian music podcast will have to wait for another day. Instead I threw on Baliphonics which, incidentally, features someone who used to collaborate with James, bassist Issac Smith. It’s a fascinating recording (that I picked up courtesy of Jeff Henderson – cheers Jeff!) recorded in Sri Lanka. I know nothing about Sri Lankan music but I guess this album fuses elements of jazz with Sri Lankan music. Whatever it is, I’m enjoying it. It has developed a couple of glitches so I need to make sure I have a digital copy.

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